Notification. “critical function” means any activities related to services, transactions or any other functions of an intermediary, the disruption of which would significantly affect customers, business
Notification. “critical function” means any activities related to services, transactions or any other functions of an intermediary, the disruption of which would significantly affect customers, business
i l i t y Environmentally friendly and reducing the environmental impacts of our own operations Financial support to environmentally- friendly businesses Financial inclusion and financial literacy
financing. “Critical function” means any activities related to services, transactions or any other functions of a securities company, the disruption of which would significantly affect customers, business
securities financing. “Critical function” means any activities related to services, transactions or any other functions of a securities company, the disruption of which would significantly affect customers
Disruption, for the company’s further growth and sustainability. The mentioned reorganizing act has affected the calculation of employee accrued benefits in accordance with TAS 19. According to an actuary
landscape due to digital disruption. KBank thus put in place more stringent customer screening criteria, particularly for small and micro businesses as well as retail customers, while the Bank also sought to
capability and the domestic supply chain, the focus on technological and innovation development, and upgrading labor skills to support the new targeted industries. V3 27/02/63 4 3. Digital disruption - Digital
other natural water sources 4. Maintaining and expanding eco-friendly green areas 5. Promoting sustainable consumption and production 6. Promoting sustainable maritime-based economic growth 7. Increasing
รองรับแผนยุทธศาสตร์ของบริษทัท่ีมุ่งสู่ รูปแบบของดิจิทัลอย่างเต็มท่ี และยงัต้องการสร้างขวญัและก าลังใจต่อเพื่อนพนักงานในการ ปรับตวัสู่เทคโนโลยดิีจิทลั (Digital Disruption) เพื่อความเติบโตและยัง่ยนืของบ