Section 112 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 112. In operating the business of securities brokerage, a securities company shall enter into a written agreement with the customers who
management of the private fund, using knowledge and competence as a professional. The securities company shall enter into a written agreement with a person or a group of persons who has authorized the
Section 104 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 104. A securities company shall appoint directors or managers or enter into an agreement with other persons, giving the power, either in
the SEC Office within seven days from the date on which such questionable conduct is found. Clause 16 A securities company shall keep records of giving of advice, accepting of trading orders, and
regulations: Clause 1 This Notification shall come into force as from 1 January 2015, except the following Clauses: (1) Clause 12(4), which is related to arrangement of agreement between clients and derivatives
fund committee for clarification (b) In cases where the payment is found to be incorrect, the correction should be carried out according to the rules notified by the Office or any agreement between the
providing services to customers, the derivatives advisor shall arrange to have an agreement in writing relating to the settlement of disputes by arbitration organized by the Office as specified in the
restriction /suspension of services, termination of services, or other types of actions; in case where a customer is found involved in a predicate offence or a money laundering offence under anti-money
written contract or agreement on custody of clients’ assets , which indicates the rights, duties and responsibilities of both parties. In any case, such contract or agreement shall not have any statement
been kept in custody of a securities company shall not be protected under the measures of protection of the Financial Institutions Development Fund; (3) provide a contract or an agreement on the custody