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displayed; (3) fluctuation of the price or the operating results of the goods or the underlying to which the contract or the instrument makes a reference. In this regard, there shall be a statement clarifying
impact from fluctuation of exchange rate . 2. Sales cost to revenue ratio increased by 1.36% (from 96.22% to 93.58%). 3. Gain from foreign exchange increased by 64.87 million baht (from loss 26.43 million
าที่ดังกลาว 2 แหง ไดแก สถาบันวิจยัวิทยาศาสตรและเทคโนโลยี แหงประเทศไทย และสถาบนัวิจยัและพัฒนาอัญมณีและเครื่องประดับแหงชาต ิ(องคการมหาชน) สวนในระดับสากล ไดแก The London Bullion Market
readiness, robustness and flexibility for coping with the possibility of severe impacts and fluctuation. This is to ensure that opportunities would not be lost and optimum benefits could be gained from the
support domestic industries. Including, the fluctuation of exchange rates affects to the sales value decreased also. Anywise, the company expanded a production line to meet the needs of customers resulted
to the profit of 23.44 million baht) due to an impact from fluctuation of exchange rate, However the company tried to reduce financial risk by hedging against forward exchange contracts. 4. The
baht (from 14.37 million baht in 2016 to 25.24 million baht in 2017) due to an impact from fluctuation of exchange rate, However the company tried to reduce financial risk by hedging against forward
baht to 31.98 million baht) due to an impact from fluctuation of exchange rate. However the company attempted to reduce financial risk by hedging against forward exchange contracts. 5. The Net Profit
fluctuation of exchange rate, However the company tried to reduce financial risk by hedging against forward exchange contracts. 4. The performances decreased by 136.08 million baht (from the profit of 125.97