which cause the higher difficulty in driving sales or transfers. That being said, the Company has studied the outlook of high-end real estate business and has been proactively in acquiring new pieces of
driving sales or transfers. That being said, the Company has studied the outlook of high-end real estate business and has been proactively in acquiring new pieces of land for upcoming projects in 2-3 years
in Q3/2017. The company will be able to provide full waste treatment services to customers when these two projects are complete. Real estate business is still affected from the slowdown of the market
143,840,400 and actual buying & selling price of the land that is located nearby which is approximate Bath 276,912,000 - 338,448,000 by the company using the maximum price is the price of the actual trading of
recognized to match the actual revenue. In addition,the company has terminated its contractual partnership with the National Health Security Office .Meanwhile the revenue from general patient increased. 2
industry Black Liquor from Paper Mill Used Oil/Solvent from Chemical Industry Used Tires from Auto Industry Waste Reject from Paper Mill Actual 2020: 14.3% substitution by heat • • • Raw Mill Cement Mill
และรีสตารท์เคร่ืองแลว้ใหด้ าเนินการตามขัน้ตอนที่ 3 โปรแกรมจะน าเขา้สูห่นา้จอนีโ้ดยอตัโนมติั รูปที ่5 หนา้ 5 6. เมื่อสิน้สดุขัน้ตอนการติดตัง้ โปรแกรมจะน าเขา้สูห่นา้จอดงัรูปที่ 6 คลิกปุ่ ม “Finish” รูปที
เพ่ิมเติมไดท่ี DARegSandbox@sec.or.th FINISHดําเนินการตาม Exit Strategy หารือเบื้องตนกับ ก.ล.ต. ยื่นใบสมัครไดตั้งแต วันที่ 9 ส.ค. 67 ก.ล.ต. แจงผลการพิจารณา/ ผูทดสอบเริ่มใหบริการ ก.ล.ต. พิจารณา
respectively in which the main current assets held by the company accounted for 64. 2% and 80. 1% respectively of the total assets. The company current assets as of year- end of 2016 and 2017 was the finish
10 Project A Q3’20 Q4'20 Q1’21 Q2’21 % progress (cost) 30% 50% 20% - % billing - 30% 50% 20% Revenue recognition (A) - 1.8 3.0 1.2 Accum. revenue - 1.8 4.8 6.0 Actual cost (B) 1.2 2.0 0.8 - Accum. cost