Facebook page FAST trading : Unlicensed securities and derivatives business (Disclosure Date : 17/05/2022)
Facebook page FAST trading : Unlicensed securities and derivatives business (Disclosure Date : 17/05/2022)
Facebook Page ชื่อ Martin's fast wheels : Unlicensed securities and derivatives business (Disclosure Date : 15/12/2023)
Facebook Page ชื่อ Martin's fast wheels : Unlicensed securities and derivatives business (Disclosure Date : 15/12/2023)
has signaled that it could keep its policy rate unchanged throughout 2020, the US central bank is likely to adjust its monetary policy if the US economy remains on a downward trend. At the same time
other challenges remain. They include fast-changing technology, wherein non-bank players are joining the fray and playing an increasing role in the market as alternative service providers for consumers
tax – all of which will come into force during 2019-2020, as well as other regulatory changes both at home and abroad in the future. Commercial banks must therefore adjust their business undertakings in
. Nonetheless, the business sector remained challenged by new modes of competition, the broader marketplace amid the advancing digital age, regulatory changes, the rapid pace of technological advancement and fast
ด่ตีำมสว่นที ่2 หมวด 2 ภำค 2 ของประกำศคณะกรรมกำรก ำกับตลำดทนุ ว่ำดว้ยกำรขออนุญำตและกำรอนุญำตใหเ้สนอขำยหุน้ทีอ่อกใหม ่(SPO เกณฑ ์fast track) ผูย้ืน่ค ำขอจะไดร้ับอนุญำตใหเ้สนอขำยหุน้ทีอ่อกใหมต่่อประชำชน
understanding of the overall industry picture vis-à-vis customers’ businesses, especially the significant changes in products and services provided by KBank in response to the fast-paced digital era. This