ซ้ือขายล่วงหนา้แก่ผูล้งทุน Trade : การให้บริการซ้ือขายหลกัทรัพยห์รือสัญญาซ้ือขายล่วงหนา้ตามค าสั่งลูกคา้ Trade with discretion : การใหบ้ริการซ้ือขายหลกัทรัพยห์รือสัญญาซ้ือขายล่วงหนา้ แก่ผูล้งทุน โดย
instruments for efficient portfolio management and hedging purposes. The Fund may, at its discretion, pay dividends out of capital or gross income while charging all or part of its fees and expenses to its
รัพยดิ์จิทลั ของลูกคำ้ ไปหำประโยชน์ดว้ยวิธีกำร ต่ำง ๆ โดยสำมำรถตดัสินใจ แทนลูกคำ้ได ้(มี discretion) 3 ลกัษณะบริการ ท่ีปรึกษาฯ นายหน้าซ้ือขายฯ ผู้ค้าฯ ศูนย์ซ้ือขายฯ ผู้จัดการเงินทุนฯ ซ้ือขำย/ แลก เปล่ียน
where the SEC Office declines to grant an approval, on its own discretion, under Clause 7, or prohibits to perform the duties, suspends or revokes an approval under Clause 8(2) and (3), or Clause 9(3), or
to align their Sustainability Bonds with both the SBG and the SLBP. For the avoidance of doubt, such an approach remains at the discretion of issuers and is neither recommended nor discouraged. 3 https
date of appointment of the arbitrator. Except where it is deemed necessary and appropriate, the arbitrator, at its own discretion, may extend the period for making a dispute resolution but not exceeding
date of appointment of the arbitrator. Except where it is deemed necessary and appropriate, the arbitrator, at its own discretion, may extend the period for making a dispute resolution but not exceeding
include- (1) material facts, (2) pertinent legal provisions; (3) consideration and support of discretion. The provision under the first paragraph shall not be applicable in the following cases: (1) the
exceed 83 ,000 ,000 Baht. With the sole discretion of the Company, the payment shall be paid either means as follows: a. by cash within 30 days from the date which the Financial Statement has been
amount shall not exceed 83 ,000 ,000 Baht. With the sole discretion of the Company, the payment shall be paid either means as follows: a. by cash within 30 days from the date which the Financial Statement