Thailand Re: Disclosure of Information and Other Acts or Listed Companies concerning the Acquisition and Disposal of Assets 8. Expectation: to receive engineering capability and know-how from experienced
follows; 1. The total revenue of the company decreased by 132.77 million baht or 2.37% YoY due to the decrease in motorcycle production which was lower than the expectation and lower than the production
. The total revenue of the company decreased by 132.77 million baht or 2.39% YoY due to the decrease in motorcycle production which was lower than the expectation and lower than the production amount in
any securities; “general advice” means giving advice to any person regardless of the purpose of investment, financial position and desire of such person; “specific advice” means giving advice to any
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-Month period ended 31 December 2019. Overall performance of 2019 is lower than our expectation due to: Revenue YoY % QoQ % YoY % Revenue 973.29 850.53 -122.76 -12.61 244.40 212.60 222.62 10.015 4.71
expectation on returns – Modern investors have highest expectation on returns – However, these are distorted probably by their fault believes. (e.g. Cash holders view stocks as having lower returns than deposit
remaining projects’ gross profit margin still meet the Company’s expectation. Other Revenues is Baht 14.70 million, consists of incomes from the sales of construction waste in the amount of Baht 4.24 million
meet the Company’s expectation. For other revenues is Baht 68.45 million, consists of profits from the sales of assets in the amount of Baht 52.18 million and the sales of construction waste in the
mortgage together with the building in the present and/or expectation of the building in the future amount 53 unit 4) Objective For working capital in the operating of company 5) Total Value and Valuation