allowance for doubtful accounts in accordance with the Company's accounting policies. Jay Mart Group has been growing and expanding the business which also effecting for the future growth as well as
allowance for doubtful accounts in accordance with the Company's accounting policies. Jay Mart Group has been growing and expanding the business which also effecting for the future growth as well as
transaction is an appropriate and beneficial to the Company on a long- term basis, and no disagreement to the Company’s Board of Directors has been raised by the Company’s directors and/or the audit committee
1.83 million. In summary, the company managed the cash flows by using cash from raised share capital in year 2016 for operation, repaid loan and invest in machinery for new production line. Trend of year
3,947 million, raised by THB 1,624 million or 69.9%. The change in total revenue was resulted from (i) the increase in revenue from sales of branded products by 3rd party manufacture of THB 565 million
or 22.90% over the same period of last year of which hospital revenues totally raised by 10.16% along with the enlarged customer base of Subsidiary (AMARC) showing 15.67% of revenues’ growth. In
new business to support future growth complied with the policy of synergy in group companies. Jaymart has been expanding business focusing on the retail business and preceding transformed into the
disposition of Planet’s ordinary shares transaction is an appropriate and beneficial to the Company on a long-term basis, and no disagreement to the Company’s Board of Directors has been raised by the Company’s
, increased from 2016 of 14.9 million baht or 8.3 increased. Cost of sales for Mobile business raised up 11.9% due to sale revenues increased. And cost of services increased 60.3% due to cost of services from
revenue from domestic sales amounting to THB 3,719 million, up by THB 786 million or 26.8% from the corresponding period last year, and revenue from overseas sales contributing to THB 2,476 million, raised