UOB ASSET MANAGEMENT (THAILAND) COMPANY LIMITED| ,Super Savings Fund : SSF | Offering Date : 20/09/2019 - 26/09/2019
UOB ASSET MANAGEMENT (THAILAND) COMPANY LIMITED| ,Super Savings Fund : SSF | Offering Date : 20/09/2019 - 26/09/2019
UOB ASSET MANAGEMENT (THAILAND) COMPANY LIMITED| ,Super Savings Fund : SSF | Offering Date : 20/09/2019 - 26/09/2019
Department to evaluate the comparison with actual selling price at the area nearby. The agreed with the offered price to sale which was higher than evaluating price of the Land Department and it was reasonable
National Peace and Order Maintaining Council No. 4/2019 Re: the Measures to Solve Problems in the Operation of Television and Telecommunications Business, issued on 11 April 2019 (Collectively called “Rules
limited companies to purchase or hold its own shares or gain benefits from a debt-to-equity conversion, and consistency with the Announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order No. 74/2557 (2014
allow public limited companies to purchase or hold its own shares or gain benefits from a debt-to-equity conversion, and consistency with the Announcement of the National Council for Peace and Order No
เพือ่พลเมอืงโลกรุ่นต่อไป (3) เศรษฐกจิและความมั่งค่ัง (Prosperity) ส่งเสริมให้ประชาชนมีความเป็นอยู่ที่ดแีละสอดคล้องกบัธรรมชาต ิ(4) สันตภิาพและความยุติธรรม (Peace) ยึดหลักการอยู่รว่มกนั อยา่งสันต ิมีสังคม
investors, ESG disclosure requirements promote informational efficiency by providing accurate and timely ESG information for stakeholders to evaluate relevant ESG risks and opportunities. Moreover, the
National Council for Peace and Order’s Road Map, also warrants close monitoring. V2 24/08/60 09:22 น. 2 Thai Banking Industry The economic environment in the second quarter remained a challenge for