Microsoft Word - GLOCON.012-2020 Clarification on the Company acquiring shares of Glocon ... GLOCON.012/2020 March 19th, 2020 Subject: Clarification on the Company acquiring shares of Glocon
Singapore, had sold its shares in Jackspeed Corporation Limited, a listed company in the Singapore Stock Exchange Securities Trading Limited to Mr. Yip Tai Him at value of SGD 4,315,079.11 or equivalent to
Public Company Limited in Singapore, had sold its shares in Jackspeed Corporation Limited, a listed company 99 หมู่ที 1 นิคมอุตสาหกรรมไฮเทค ตาํบลบา้นเลน อาํเภอบางปะอิน จงัหวดัพระนครศรีอยธุยา 13160
entitled for subscription of new ordinary shares (Record Date) and Subscription period To: The President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure: 1. No. For. 19/2018 Capital Increase, Waiver from
Details on calculation of value of shares received from oversubscription allotment Transaction Size Book Value as of June 30, 2018 Shareholders’ Equities = Baht 2,271.83 million Paid-up ordinary share
shares received from oversubscription allotment Transaction Size Book Value as of June 30, 2018 Shareholders’ Equities = Baht 2,271.83 million Paid-up ordinary share = 247,039,600 shares Book value per
Value as of June 30, 2018 Shareholders’ Equities = Baht 2,271.83 million Paid-up ordinary share = 247,039,600 shares Book value per share = Baht 9.20 per share = 80,713,098 x 9.20 = Baht 742,560,501.60
158,884,960.75 baht, on 635,539,843 shares with the par value of 0.25 baht. This is done by writing off unsold share of 18,960,157 shares which are stocks that are not sold under the warrant UREKA-W1. 1.2
660 104% 91% 646 1,005 56% Adjusted EBITDA Margin (%) 6.7% 8.1% 13.7% 7.0% 5.5% 7.0% 11.1% 4.0% Note : (1) EPS is calculated from 1,023,666,700 shares (2) Adjusted EBITDA refers to EBITDA excluding
= 4.65 % 5. Details assets 5.1 Shareholder Structure in N Hospital Co.,Ltd Prior to Transaction 1. World Corporation Public Company Limited Numbers of stocks held 2,549,745 shares 33.33 % 2. Green Estate