Microsoft Word - Oishi MDA - Year End 2018_EN_v2_Sud.docx Ref. SorNor. 040/2018 November 20, 2018 Subject: Clarification of Operating Results and Financial Status for the year 2018, ended September
Microsoft Word - Oishi MDA - Year End 2018_ TH_SUD JR.docx 1/4 ที สน. 040/2561 20 พฤศจิกายน 2561 เรือง ชีแจงผลการดําเนินงานและฐานะทางการเงินสําหรบัปีสินสดุวนัที 30 กนัยายน เรียน กรรมการและผู้จดัการ
Microsoft Word - I-!9%*#8˙I-*ˇ@( Blue Sky 20200929 EN_MDA Year End - Translation - 1 ACC-O-2010003 October 1, 2020 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Management Discussion and
Microsoft Word - I-!9%*#8˙I-*ˇ@( Blue Sky 20200929 TH_MDA Year End 1 ท ีACC-O-2010003 1 ตลุาคม 2563 เรือง การวเิคราะห์และคําอธิบายระหว่างงวดของฝ่ายจดัการ ชีแจงผลการดาํเนินงานสําหรบัปีสินสดุวนัที 31
continue to be developed and adopted, tail-end risk remains unpredictable and potentially undiscovered. This may cause incorrect decisions that finally result in losses. The adoption of innovative
containing the COVID-19, economic growth is forecasted to contract by -7.8%1; the lowest growth among ASEAN countries. In addition, a range of political issues are loading to an uncertain economic recovery
: Beyond Banking; Embedded Trust; and, Everyone, Every day, Every way and Everywhere. To this end, we have set our sights on providing all customers with services beyond their expectations to become their
. 2.2 Market Risk Management Overall, movements in foreign exchange and interest rates at home and abroad remained highly volatile during this quarter. At the end of the quarter, the Thai Baht weakened in
Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand The operating performance for three-month period end 31 March 2019 of Mahachai Hospital Public Company Limited compared to the prior year was decreasing in net profit
activity, thus dampening Thai economic growth during the second half of the year. Other challenges included volatile foreign exchange movement and international capital flows as well as the rapid evolution