emergency incidents which may cause major operational disruptions Examples of emergency incidents are classified into a group for clearness and being a guideline for intermediaries for analysing possible
clarity, insights, and tools required to support and authenticate their contributions to achieving the SDGs. All enterprises -- irrespective of size, geography, or sector -- can use the Standards. The
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creation. Responsible investment requires high standards of transparency, probity and care on the part of institutions, which may be met by adhering to these Principles. The standards set out here are
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attract investment. These companies are increasingly aware that a commitment to good corporate governance (including well-defined shareholder rights, high levels of transparency and disclosure, robust
Cogeneration Co., Ltd. (EGCO Cogen) SPP Roi-Et Green Co., Ltd. (Roi-Et Green) Banpong Utilities Co., Ltd. (Banpong) Klongluang Utilities Co., Ltd. (Klongluang) Chaiyaphum Wind Farm Co., Ltd. (Chaiyaphum) SPP Two
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this regard, for the purpose of complying with such rules, the SEC Office is empowered as follows: (a) to issue detailed rules for the purpose of sufficient clearness in order that any approved person