KASIKORN ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Specific Fund | Offering Date : 16/09/2014 - 22/09/2014
://www.econ.nida.ac.th Performance Return Sharpe (1966), Malkiel (1995), Grinblatt&Keloharju (2000) Ability Selectivity Jensen (1968), Fama&French (1993), Carhart (1997), Wermers (2000), Kosowski (2006), Cuthbertson,et al
รู้ทางการเงินในระดับพื้นฐาน ยังเป็นปัญหาแม้ ในประเทศที่พัฒนาแล้ว โดยเฉพาะกับ ผู้หญิง ผู้สูงวัย และผู้ที่มีระดับ การศึกษาต่ า เช่น Agarwal et al., 2009; Campbell, 2006; Christelis et al., 2010; Hilgert
) Author(s) Dataset (20) – (15) Löffler, K.U., et al., (2021) Global 2,000 green bonds and 180,000 conventional bonds issued between 2007-2019 (9) – (1) MacAskill, S., et al . (2020) Journal articles and
example, the fifth quintile for market capitalization corresponds to large cap stocks. In 7 See, for example, Sebastian and Attaluri (2014) and Cremers et al. (2016). 8 addition, we include the holding
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NREL (2004) PV FAQs available at: http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy05osti/37322.pdf 8 EPIA (2011) The Energy Pay Back Time, available at www.epia.org 9 Geyer et al (2005) Concentrated Solar Power Now
were similar to a previous studies by ASIC (2015), SEC (2020), Hendershott et al. (2011), Hendershott and Riordan (2013), Brogaard et al. (2014), Nawn and Banerjee (2019a) and Nawn and Banerjee(2019b
ce ss r et ur n2 2 not annualized, calculated since inception to Sep 2015 or to termination. Market Timing: date of issuances 12 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 Jan 08 Jul 08 Jan 09 Jul 09 Jan 10
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