Bangkok, July 3, 2012 ? SEC Secretary-General Vorapol Socatiyanurak revealed after a Q2/2012 meeting with the Association of Thai Securities Companies (ASCO) that the SEC and ASCO agreed on quality enhancement for investment analysts and research, as well as securities professionals to build investor confidence and strengthen business competitiveness. The meeting also discussed certain business obstacles to seek proper solutions.ASCO came up with a quality enhancement plan for investment analyst...
Bangkok, September 10, 2013 ? The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Association of Investment Management Companies (AIMC) agree on introducing investment risk management guideline and due diligence checklist before investing in complex financial products to promote business standard and competitiveness. SEC Secretary-General Vorapol Socatiyanurak said that the SEC approved the AIMC?s investment risk management guideline and due diligence checklist before investing in complex finan...
: Push to the Limit, Stop the Corruption,” featured exhibitions showcasing anti-corruption efforts across various sectors, raising awareness and anti-corruption commitment performances. The ceremony took
Even though the Thai financial system remains strong, with commercial banks holding healthy levels of capital and liquidity reserves, the liquidity stress and the resulting irregularity in the global financial market have begun to affect the Thai financial market. The Bank of Thailand (BOT) has alleviated the situation through government bond purchase program amounting more than 100 billion baht during 13-20 March 2020, and the reduction and cancelation of BOT bond issuance, while the Mon...
Bangkok, December 21, 2006 ? Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala, SEC Secretary-General, announced at a press conference today the SEC?s progress and achievements during the year, especially in the areas of
sales due to raw material used decreased by can push increased price of paper to customers. - Selling and administrative expenses of Q2/2016 was 10.97 percent of sale, decreased to 9.92 percent in Q2/2017
plans to lay out a cooperative framework with SEC to push forward the SDG implementation and the UN Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights in Thailand.
work divisions, and the appointments of deputy secretaries-general and assistant secretaries-general. The new organizational strategy aims to push forward capital market development in accordance with
during first half of 2017. However, the increasing in domestic sales push up the total revenue becoming minor decreasing. Cost of goods sold of Q3/17 is increased by 5.86% comparing with Q2/17 and 7.82
Corporate Governance Rating (CGR), the SEC requested securities companies disclose Anti-corruption Progress Indicator of the listed companies in their research to push listed companies to set policy and