progress and remaining challenges, and formulated common policy objectives and a practical reform agenda. Awareness of the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance is now high in the region. In fact, all
. Minority shareholders have limited influence on actual board selection and high barriers to call a GMS, influence the meeting agenda, or bring legal action against the company or a director under the law
enter into the arbitral process organized by the Office. Chapter I V Appointment and Challenge of Arbitrator ________________________ Clause 14. In the arbitral proceeding, there shall be one arbitrator
order to terminate the mediation, as the case may be, and then the parties shall enter into the arbitral process organized by the Office. Chapter IV Appointment and Challenge of Arbitrator
order to terminate the mediation, as the case may be, and then the parties shall enter into the arbitral process organized by the Office. Chapter IV Appointment and Challenge of Arbitrator
Tipsuda Thavaramara said: ?Making an electronic transaction and applying FinTech to business operation are still a challenge in Thailand mostly because the governing laws are
Deputy Secretary-General Tipsuda Thavaramara said: ?Making an electronic transaction and applying FinTech to business operation are still a challenge in Thailand mostly because the governing laws are
and enforcement. F. Cross-border co-operation should be enhanced, including through bilateral and multilateral arrangements for exchange of information. High levels of cross-border ownership and trading
business operators in preparation for the full liberalization of securities business licensing in 2012. Also, we expect to see more public hearings on issues of high impacts, particularly those concerning
, and shall be in the form of high quality assets with adequate liquidity. Securities clearing houses and central securities depositories shall establish clear plans to obtain additional sources of funds