ตัดจำหน่าย (interest bearing debt to EBITDA ratio) (เท่า) ความสามารถในการชำระภาระผูกพัน (debt service coverage ratio : DSCR) (เท่า) หนี้สินรวมต่อส่วนของผู้ถือหุ้นรวม (debt to equity : D/E ratio) (เท่า
Funds and Covered Management Companies and related Cooperation (HK-TH MRF MoU), which was signed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (SFC) and the Office of the Securities and Exchange
. The evidence obtained through the cooperation between a foreign authority and the SEC Office may be used in any legal proceedings. Section 54 . Any information, facts, documents and evidence which the
securities will be paid or given to the originator in accordance with the agreement and the repayment of debt to investors will depend on a flow of receipts generated from the assets transferred or placed as