to prepare the reviewed financial statements for Q1/2016, Q2/2016 and Q3/2016 to the SEC Office and the Stock Exchange of Thailand within the period specified in the notification. The Criminal Court
, 2012 to the SEC Office and the Stock Exchange of Thailand within the period specified in the notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board. On July 29, 2013, the Bangkok South Criminal Court
statements for Q3/2017 to the SEC Office and the Stock Exchange of Thailand within the period specified in the notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board. On July 2, 2020,The Criminal Court
financial statements for Q2/2017 to the SEC Office and the Stock Exchange of Thailand within the period specified in the notification. The Criminal Court sentenced the accused to pay a fine of Baht 40,000 and
the common stock of Modern, while in possession of inside information on Modern's operating results of the Q2/2016 before Modern publicly disclosed the Q2/2016 financial statements through the SET
total of 1.3 million share of the common stock of Modern, while in possession of inside information on Modern's operating results of the Q2/2016 before Modern publicly disclosed the Q2/2016 financial
Mr. Bee Taechaubol Mr. Bee Taechaubol making the tender offer of securities of Electronics Industry Public Company Limited (EIC) purchased 1,017,500 shares of EIC in the Stock Exchange of Thailand at
information material to negative changes in the price of STARK's share to commit offense in using Miss Yosabavorn Amarit's securities trading account to sell STARK shares on February 2023 before STARK
;)) colluded with others used an inside information material to negative changes in the price of STARK's share to commit offense in using Miss Yosabavorn Amarit's securities trading account to sell
;)'s share to commit offense in using her securities trading account to sell STARK shares on February 2023 before STARK disclosed the inside information to the Stock Exchange of Thailand. This case is