Microsoft Word - Report on Connected Transactions in Respect of Office Building Lease บ ริ ษั ท เ จ ต า แ บ ค จํา กั ด ( ม ห า ช น ) / ถนนศรีนครินทร์ หนองบอน ประเวศ กรุงเทพฯ '()( โทรศพัท์: (66
Microsoft Word - hearing group limit _2_.docx เอกสารรับฟงความคิดเห็น เร่ือง การกําหนดเรื่อง sector fund และ group limit สํานักงานคณะกรรมการกํากับหลักทรัพยและตลาดหลักทรัพย (
857.80 451.33 406.47 90.06% Non-current liabilities Long-term bank borrowings 143.70 188.14 (44.44) (23.62%) Finance lease liabilities 3.48 2.76 0.72 26.09% Employee benefit obligations 7.70 3.92 3.78
, bank fee for letter of guarantee for oil and gas construction was increased, which in line with project value. 6. The Group has received long term loan form the financial institution since September 2017
has been increased 92.75% compared to the same period of prior year. Moreover, bank fee for letter of guarantee for oil and gas construction was increased, which in line with project value. 6. The Group
liabilities 656.90 451.33 205.57 45.55% Non-current liabilities Long-term bank borrowings 152.64 188.14 (35.50) (18.87%) Finance lease liabilities 4.00 2.76 1.24 44.93% Employee benefit obligations 7.81 3.92
bank borrowings, dividend payment, and the decreased in LPG trading receivable account as decreased in sales and increased in allowance for doubtful account. However, the Group has purchased equipment
181.25 162.74 18.51 11.37% Current portion of long-term bank borrowings 42.02 45.02 (3.00) (6.66%) Current portion of finance lease liabilities 2.01 1.83 0.18 9.84% Current income tax payable 0.71 - 0.71
which are continuing growth. Financial cost Financial cost of the Group consists of long-term loan from a commercial bank to purchase property, plant, and equipment which occurred at the end of 2016, and
Overdraft 0.49 - 0.49 100.00% Trade and other payables 343.00 385.98 (42.98) (11.14%) Current portion of long-term bank borrowings 40.08 40.08 - 0.00% Current portion of finance lease liabilities 2.33 2.20