ปฏิบติัไดต้รงกนั ส านกังานจึงขอซกัซอ้มความเขา้ใจในเร่ืองต่าง ๆ ดงัน้ี (1) การก าหนดเวลาในการรับค าส่ังซ้ือขายหน่วยลงทุน (“cut off time”) บริษทัหลกัทรัพยจ์ดัการกองทุน (“บลจ.”) และบริษทันายหนา้ซ้ือขาย
. Efficiency improvement to cut down the cost and expenses in the second quarter of 2017 resulted in gross profit of 13.82%, an increase of 0.72% from gross profit of 13.10% in the second quarter of 2016. Sales
million Baht in the second quarter of 2017 which decreased from the same quarter last year totaling 30.58 million Baht or 8.45% due to decreased sales. Efficiency improvement to cut down the cost and
531.13 million Baht in the third quarter of 2017 which decreased from the same quarter last year totaling 7.58 million Baht or 1.41% due to decreased sales. Efficiency improvement to cut down the cost and
year totaling 23.01 million Baht or 13.01% due to decreased sales. Efficiency improvement to cut down the cost and expenses in the third quarter of 2017 resulted in gross profit of 15.78%, an increase of
cut down the cost and expenses in the second quarter of 2019 resulted in gross profit of 12.92%, a decrease of 1.76% from gross profit of 14.68% in the second quarter of 2018. Sales and Administration
increased sales. Efficiency improvement to cut down the cost and expenses in the second quarter of 2018 resulted in gross profit of 14.68%, an increase of 0.86% from gross profit of 13.82% in the second
Baht 222.92M in Q2’2016 to Baht 153.39M in Q2’2017 at 31.19% due to factory headcount was decreasing from last year and high competitive so there is a price cut from customers. - In Q2’17, the Company
Baht 222.92M in Q2’2016 to Baht 153.39M in Q2’2017 at 31.19% due to factory headcount was decreasing from last year and high competitive so there is a price cut from customers. - In Q2’17, the Company
, and cut down marketing budget in order to cope with the reduction in sales and services revenue. In addition, The Company and subsidiaries has change in recognition of depreciation of right-of-use asset