now well-positioned for a new chapter. In this regard, while a great deal has been achieved, I believe that the years ahead call for much more work and cooperative efforts. We must continue to be pro
implementation of appropriate risk management and resource allocation by their board of directors and executives that is practical and meets the standards established by an international organization concerning
Risk Management ● Development of Debt Instruments ● Development of New Financial Instruments ● Promotion of Issuance of Non-Voting Depositary Receipt (NVDR) Achieving Efficiency for the Secondary Market
corporate governance frameworks reduce investor confidence, and can discourage outside investment. Also, as pension funds continue to invest more in equity markets, good corporate governance is crucial for
calculation of liabilities and risk haircut values in order that the revised criteria will reflect the current situation concerning the debt instruments business and promote debt instruments transactions in
the years, which led to otherwise avoidable damages and erosion of confidence in the capital market and the Thai economy as a whole. The SEC, therefore, will continue on with its timely and relentless
financial instruments, risk management tools to support capital market development for business sectors, and greater investment alternatives for the public. These efforts have been driven concurrently with
Important Tool for Risk Management ■ Development of Debt Instrument Market ■ Amendment to the Public Limited Company Act B.E. 2535 (1992) to Help with the Capital Structure of Listed Companies ■ The Use of
principles were developed cov- ering implementation and enforcement, and mechanisms that should be established for parties to pro- tect their rights. However, the Principles seek to minimise the risk of over
own low risk exposure. In addition, such requirement may be inconsistent with the business types or the business risks of intermediaries, and may not support the development of new businesses that make