Microsoft Word - 62-17_Eng_Explanation of the business profit for the quarter 2-2019.DOC FANCY WOOD INDUSTRIES PUBLIC CO., LTD. 357 MU 12 SOI SUKSAWAT84, SUKSAWAT RD., PRASAMUTJADEE, SAMUTPRAKARN
Microsoft Word - 61-12_Eng_Explanation of the business profit for the quarter 2-2018.DOC FANCY WOOD INDUSTRIES PUBLIC CO.,LTD. 357 MU 12 SOI SUKSAWAT84, SUKSAWAT RD., PRASAMUTJADEE, SAMUTPRAKARN
earnings continue to grow which is the highest quarterly profit statistics. The net profit report 226.9 million Baht in Q2/2020. The company had the same amount of collection in the first half of the year
. Equally importantly, IVL is investing in opportunities that continue to enhance the quality of earnings on an ongoing basis. The ongoing investments which are completing in 2018-19 are expected to result in
. Equally importantly, IVL is investing in opportunities that continue to enhance the quality of earnings on an ongoing basis. The ongoing investments which are completing in 2018-19 are expected to result in
productivity of our businesses will remain entrenched in the IVL way of doing business. Reporting In order to support transition in capital market coverage and earnings models, IVL will continue to share
same level as the previous year. - Profit before income tax expenses was down by 32% from 59.7 mil. baht to 40.3 mil. baht mainly due to eroding gross profit from Chemicals business as competition
Capital Expenditure Program We continue to invest in the business to enhance overall production, vertical integration and quality of earnings. Improved cash flows and ongoing commitment from shareholders
March 2019, which performed as targeted. This resulted in same store sales in the first quarter of 2019 at a satisfactory level, with the company having total income and net profit in the amount of
seasonal effect. Summary of Revenues and Net Profit Consolidated FS Q1/2018 Q1/2019 Change MB. % MB. % MB. % Services income from debts collection and others income 58.7 14.7% 89.9 16.4% 31.2 53.2% Revenues