General impacts on stakeholder groups All citizens will be able to carry out secure and trustworthy cross- border electronic transactions and take full advantage of their rights across the EU. https
stakeholder groups All citizens will be able to carry out secure and trustworthy cross- border electronic transactions and take full advantage of their rights across the EU.
-single-market/en/policies/trust-services- and-eidentification> ๗ General impacts on stakeholder groups All citizens will be able to carry out secure and trustworthy cross- border electronic transactions
และกำรทำควำมตกลง ( MOU) ในด้ำนกำรกำกับดูแลกับหน่วยงำนต่ำงประเทศและกำรกำกับดูแลธุรกรรมระหว่ำงประเทศ (cross-border transactions) ๔) กำรกำกับดูแลผูใ้ห้บริกำรระบบทีมีนัยสำคัญต่อตลำดทุน สำนักงำน ก.ล.ต. มี
representative has been appointed, if the SEC Office considers that any special purpose juristic person is unable to continue its operations, it shall revoke the registration of the special purpose juristic person
sufficient for the Selection Committee to consider nomination of such experts. The rules under the first paragraph shall be approved by the Minister and shall continue to be in effect even though the Selection
rules under the first paragraph shall be approved by the Minister and shall continue to be in effect even though the Selection Committee which prescribes such rules have been vacated its office. Amendment
operation of the fund is deemed to be in violation of the fund’s objectives or any law; (2) the operation of the fund is deemed to be unable to continue for any reasons. When the registrar has ordered a
juristic person is unable to continue its operations, it shall revoke the registration of the special purpose juristic person. Amended by the Act Amending the Special Purpose Juristic Persons for
violation of the fund’s objectives or any law; (2) the operation of the fund is deemed to be unable to continue for any reasons. When the registrar has ordered a dissolution of the fund under the first