% YoY and 0.4% QoQ with 322k net subscribers added while 4G penetration continued to rise to 63% . Nonetheless, with our focus on brand and network investment, we continued to see improving perception
, from 3Q18 onward AIS along with other operators have rebalanced pricing structure to ease impact on ARPU. As a result, AIS’ s mobile revenue for FY18 was Bt124,601mn, softly growing 1. 3% YoY. While 4G
started its positive contribution to NPAT. Continued growth in digital services AIS digital services continued to scale in size focusing on growing user base both in consumer segment and enterprise
to encourage the application of international best practices. The overall approach of institutional investors to these issues is sometimes referred to as ‘stewardship’ and a growing number of markets
discontinued while overall data price gradually uplifted. As a result, AIS’s mobile revenue had a strong improvement, growing 5.3% YoY and 4.3% QoQ driven by ARPU increase. The average data usage, currently at
growing 4.1% YoY and 1% QoQ following growth in mobile postpaid segment, fixed broadband, and full-quarter consolidation of CSL. AIS kept on building brand awareness of the NEXT G network, now available in
creating brand awareness to an extensive reach. Over the last few years, the outdoor media segment has witnessed the consolidation into a few well-resourced media operators in order to increase
health consciousness. This will create a demand for wellness. As the wellness business has yet to operate, it incurred pre-opening expenses. MK was careful in controlling costs of goods sold and operating
continued to scale up several platforms to serve all customer segments. Our VDO, named AIS PLAY, received higher awareness, with current active subscribers growing to 4mn as we provided additional value for
1 Executive Summary AIS continued to build on leadership in mobile data through improved 4G quality and brand perception. In 1Q17, CAPEX of Bt11.5bn was spent to strengthen 4G network quality through