businesses, for the purpose of maintaining the stability of the country’s economy, and protecting investors and the public concerned. The enactment of this Emergency Decree is consistent with the conditions
of such activities and businesses, for the purpose of maintaining the stability of the country’s economy, and protecting investors and the public concerned. The enactment of this Emergency Decree is
subcommittee to perform any matter as designated. The subcommittee under the first paragraph shall consist of a chairman and at least four other qualified members with the knowledge and expertise in relation to
subcommittee to perform any matter as designated. The subcommittee under the first paragraph shall consist of a chairman and at least four other qualified members with the knowledge and expertise in relation to
shall have a casting vote. SECTION 13. Any commissioner who has an interest in the matter to be considered shall declare such interest and shall be prohibited from participating in such consideration
vote. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote. SECTION 13. Any commissioner who has an interest in the matter to be considered shall declare such interest and
and replaced by the following texts: “SECTION 13. Any commission member who has an interest in the matter to be considered, shall declare such interest and shall be prohibited from participating in such
ทุนและกำรคุ้มครองผูล้งทุนในโทเคนดิจิท ัล และมีกำรกำกับดูแล ทีอ่อนกว่ำ พ.ร.บ. หลักทรัพย์ฯ แตกต่ำงจำกกำรกำกับดูแลโทเคนดิจิทัลในต่ำงประเทศทีกำกับดูแล โดยพิจำรณำจำกลกัษณะของโทเคนดิจิทัล (substance) เช่นนี
matter. Section 13.2 The fund shall be managed by a person who is not the employer and is licensed to operate securities business in the category of private fund management under the law governing
and control to implement the provisions of this Act, the Minister may order the registrar to provide additional reports on the results of its performance or clarify facts in any matter. Section 13. 2