Notification. “critical function” means any activities related to services, transactions or any other functions of an intermediary, the disruption of which would significantly affect customers, business
Notification. “critical function” means any activities related to services, transactions or any other functions of an intermediary, the disruption of which would significantly affect customers, business
financing. “Critical function” means any activities related to services, transactions or any other functions of a securities company, the disruption of which would significantly affect customers, business
securities financing. “Critical function” means any activities related to services, transactions or any other functions of a securities company, the disruption of which would significantly affect customers
Disruption, for the company’s further growth and sustainability. The mentioned reorganizing act has affected the calculation of employee accrued benefits in accordance with TAS 19. According to an actuary
January 2018 2. The Concerned parties: The Seller: Unique Engineering and Construction Public Company Limited The Buyer: Suphankeeree Company Limited 3. Details of Connected Transaction: Suphankeeree
concerned person realise the essential of security of the information technology thoroughly had known the duties and responsibilities and guideline on controlling the various risk which have a content
Date Month Year October 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019 1 year period 2. Party Concerned: Tiger Distribution and Logistics Co., Ltd that has registered capital amount of Baht 20,000,000. Its core business
of the first phase of the Thailand Green Taxonomy. • As such, let me take this opportunity to warmly congratulate the Bank of Thailand, Securities and Exchange Commission and all concerned stakeholders
รองรับแผนยุทธศาสตร์ของบริษทัท่ีมุ่งสู่ รูปแบบของดิจิทัลอย่างเต็มท่ี และยงัต้องการสร้างขวญัและก าลังใจต่อเพื่อนพนักงานในการ ปรับตวัสู่เทคโนโลยดิีจิทลั (Digital Disruption) เพื่อความเติบโตและยัง่ยนืของบ