Virtual Power Plant (VPP) IFRS Sustainability Standards Capacity Building 28 พฤศจกิายน 2567 | ท าความรูจ้กักบั มาตรฐานการเปิดเผยขอ้มลูดา้นความยัง่ยนื (IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards
gas-fired combined cycle cogeneration power that commenced COD on February 1, 2018. It has an installed capacity of 133 MW and sells electricity to EGAT 90 MW under a 25-year PPA. The Project was able
to IU portion. Development of Solar Projects ERC has announced the qualified project sponsors to enter into Power Purchase Agreement with the electricity distribution authorities (Metropolitan
Energy Services Co.,Ltd. (Paju ES) (EGCO holds a 49.00% ownership interest), located in Gangdong-gu, Seoul, South Korea with a capacity of 19.80 MW. Gangdong will sell electricity to Korea Electric Power
– Non-operating income / (expense) B.GRIMM POWER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Management’s Discussion and Analysis Q1’19 Q4’19 Q1’20 change change Btmn Btmn Btmn y-on-y q-on-q Electricity sales Sales to EGAT
consumption) NNP = Normalized net profit O&M = Operations and maintenance P.A. = Per annum PEA = Provincial Electricity Authority (Thailand) PPA = Power purchase agreement PTT = PTT Public Company Limited SG&A
the Small Power Producer (SPP) scheme, and reliable cash flows from long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs) with the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) and reputable clients. (Please
) successfully started commercial operation in October 2018. Therefore, total installed capacity of 3 SPP power plants which started commercial operation in 2018 is 399 MW which sell electricity to EGAT at 270 MW
combined cycle cogeneration power that commenced COD on June 1, 2018. It has an installed capacity of 133 MW and sells electricity to EGAT 90 MW under a 25-year PPA. The project was able to achieve COD as
businesses: 1. Power Generation 1.1 Local power generation Khanom Electricity Generating Co., Ltd. (KEGCO) IPP EGCO Cogeneration Co., Ltd. (EGCO Cogen) SPP Roi-Et Green Co., Ltd. (Roi-Et Green) Banpong