; Be it, therefore, enacted by His Majesty the King, by and with the advice and consent of the National Legislative Assembly functioning as... https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Documents/ActandRoyalEnactment/Act
; Be it, therefore, enacted by His Majesty the King, by and with the advice and consent of the National Legislative Assembly functioning as... https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Documents/ActandRoyalEnactment/Act
and exchange; Be it, therefore, enacted by His Majesty the King, by and with the advice and consent of the National Legislative Assembly functioning as... https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Documents
; Be it, therefore, enacted by His Majesty the King, by and with the advice and consent of the National Legislative Assembly functioning as... https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Documents/ActandRoyalEnactment/Act
of the National Legislative Assembly functioning as... https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Documents/ActandRoyalEnactment/Act/translate-secact.doc
, by and with the advice and consent of the National Legislative Assembly functioning as... https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Documents/ActandRoyalEnactment/Act/translate-secact.doc ACT-SEA1992-AMENDED.PDF
of Industry, Secretary-General of the Council of State, Secretary-General of the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council, Governor of the Bank of Thailand, Secretary-General of