Microsoft Word - public hearing-complex&ACMF08082018 เอกสารรับฟงความคิดเห็น เลขที่ อจต. 33 /2561 เร่ือง รางประกาศการแกไขหลักเกณฑเก่ียวกับการออกและเสนอขายตราสารหน้ี และการเปดเผยขอมูล ครั้งที่ 2
, such as mutual funds with complex return structure and mutual funds with estimated returns. 2. Types of mutual fund/group of mutual funds Maximum of 500 characters of information shall be provided on the
management, and favorable industry outlook. Risk Intensity Ranking Best-in-class Environmental Moderate Risk Social Moderate Risk ✓ Governance Moderate Risk 85 90 95 100 105 110 O c t- 1 9 N o v -1 9 D e c -1
prohibited period to be major shareholder clause 4 (4)(5)(6)(7)(8) or (9) of the Notification of the Ministry of Finance minimal moderate intense one year three years five years clause 4 (10) of the
prohibited period to be major shareholder clause 4 (4)(5)(6)(7)(8) or (9) of the Notification of the Ministry of Finance minimal moderate intense one year three years five years clause 4 (10) of the
from the policy. Nevertheless, The Esse at Singha Complex will start hand over units by 3Q19 while the Company is certain that transfer value would be as expected. On 10 June 2019, S Oasis, a 36-storeys
HR solutions. HR solutions grew by THB 26.27 million or 15.04% from the recognition of license income and implementation fee from projects in Thailand and Malaysia, as well as, moderate growth in
resulted mainly from moderate drops in both revenue from service and revenue from sales by 27.23 million Baht or 41.10% ,and 26.19 million Baht or 19.73% from the same period of the last year, respectively
situation The Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) has announced the measures to mitigate Phase 3 starting on 1st June 2020 by re-open moderate to high risk businesses and activities which
resulted mainly from the huge drop in revenue from service by 300.55 million Baht or 78.28% from the same period of the last year. Moreover, the decrease was also affected by a moderate decrease in domestic