IN ASIA: TAKING CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TO A HIGHER LEVEL © OECD 2011 3 Foreword Since 1999, the Asian Roundtable on Corporate Governance has brought together the most active and influential policy makers
Issuing company · To protect investors from unfair practices and ensure the availability of adequate information for making a right investment decision, the SEC requires that companies obtain an
Issuing company · To protect investors from unfair practices and ensure the availability of adequate information for making a right investment decision, the SEC requires that companies obtain an
SHARE : SEC public hearing on draft amendment to approval for paperless filing of mutual funds Friday 8 November 2019 | No. 161 / 2019 Bangkok, 8 November 2019 – The SEC is seeking public comments on a
an electronic transaction and applying FinTech to business operation are still a challenge in Thailand mostly because the governing laws are inconsistent with the ever-advancing technologies and do not
Rule Making Process SHARE : Detail Content 1. Assess the importance of matters 2. Study international supervisory measures and standards 3. Conduct regulatory impact assessment: Analyze the
SEC plans to revise criteria on the delegation of other persons to operate a business on behalf of the operators of securities, investment management, and derivative contract business in order to
SEC plans to revise the criteria on the maintenance of the net capital (NC) of securities and derivatives business operator. SEC has, therefore, conducted a public hearing on this matter, in
Deputy Secretary-General Tipsuda Thavaramara said: ?Making an electronic transaction and applying FinTech to business operation are still a challenge in Thailand mostly because the governing laws are
, protection of investors? rights, and/or good governance, and (3) granting the SET Board of Governors the power to allow trading access to non-members of SET, which would enhance SET to have flexibility in its