the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. OrThor. 7/2549 Re: Guidelines and Conditions for Securities Company Relating to the Using of Back Office Service from Service Provider Whereas
Shareholders’ Meeting by the Management Company and Information Disclosure _____________ By virtue of Section 123 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) and Clause 2(1), Clause 8, Clause 10, Clause
2000 shall be repealed. Clause 2. In this Notification, “Mutual fund manager” means a director or an employee of a management company who is authorized by the management company to make decisions
Executives of Securities Companies (No.2) dated 23 November 2000. Clause 2. In this Notification: (1) “Securities company” means any company licensed to undertake securities business; (2) “Executive” means
Securities Companies. By virtue of the third paragraph of Clause 5 of the Notification of the Ministry of Finance, Re: Prescribing conditions requiring securities company to apply for approval of persons who
Appointing Independence Director of Securities Company or the Notification of the Office of Securities and Exchange Commission concerning Rules on Rendering a Waiver of Appointing Independence Director of
private fund; “Provident fund” means any provident fund under the laws on provident funds; “Open-end fund” means any mutual fund which accepts the redemption of its investment units; “Management company
the registration as a derivatives business operator must be a juristic person as follows: (1) a commercial bank under the law on commercial bank; (2) a financial company under the law of finance
Commission No. OrNor. 7/2547 Re: Arbitral Process (No. 3) dated 13 October 2004. Clause 3. In this Notification: “respondent” means any of the followings: (1) a securities company; (2) a local share selling
. ----------------------------- Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Thor 9/2551 Re: Custody of Client Assets of a Securities Company ________________________________________________ By Virtue of Section 16/6 and