) related party of a fund which https://publish.sec.or.th/nrs/5883pe.doc Translation organization or a local government organization, the Financial Institutions Development Fund and the Bureau of the Crown
, mutatis mutandis ; (b) related party of a fund which https://publish.sec.or.th/nrs/5883pe.doc Translation organization or a local government organization, the Financial Institutions Development Fund and the
a fund which https://publish.sec.or.th/nrs/5883pe.doc Translation organization or a local government organization, the Financial Institutions Development Fund and the Bureau of the Crown Property that
administration organization, municipality, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Pattaya City and any other local government organizations specified by law as special local government organization; (3) unit or
Common share | Initial Public Offering | Offering Date - 14/05/2008 - 16/05/2008
Common share | Initial Public Offering | Offering Date - 20/05/2008 - 22/05/2008
Common share | Initial Public Offering | Offering Date - 20/05/2008 - 22/05/2008
Common share | Initial Public Offering | Offering Date - 20/05/2008 - 22/05/2008
Common share | Initial Public Offering | Offering Date - 20/05/2008 - 22/05/2008
Common share | Initial Public Offering | Offering Date - 20/05/2008 - 22/05/2008