policies in various areas such as product creation, product improvement, or production technology, and disclose the expenses incurred from such research and development over the past three years. In case of
innovation. Describe the characteristics of each product or service to give investors an understanding of the Company's nature of business during the preceding year including the factors conducive to business
prevention of conflicts of interest between the management company and the unitholders; (7) the money borrowing or creation of encumbrances on a fund ’s assets; (8) the liquidation of a fund . In the case
knowledge and experience in reviewing the reliability the financial statements of the Company and their experience in auditing financial statements. 9.3 Selection and appointment of directors and chief
Experiment and Develop Innovation in Support of Service Provision Related to Capital Market Which Are Not Deemed an Undertaking of Securities Business For Which an Approval Is Required _____________________ By
Experiment and Develop Innovation in Support of Service Provision Related to Capital Market Which Are Not Deemed an Undertaking of Derivatives Business For Which an Approval Is Required _____________________
Exchange Commission No. Kor Thor. 21/2563 Re: Determination of Types of Operation of Person Approved to Participate in Regulatory Sandbox to Experiment and Develop Innovation in Support of Service Provision
Experiment and Develop Innovation In Support of Service Provision Related to Capital Market _____________________ By virtue of Section 14 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992), as amended by the
as well. For example, for investment or encumbrance creation of mutual funds or private funds, it shall consider a process in settlement or delivery which may affect to an overall market system. For a
where such financial institution operates; (2) being a creation of obligation related to permissible investment of private funds in accordance with the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board