EDITED fourteen days after the date of such appointment or such change. Chapter 2 Management of the Fund _______________________ Section 12. 2 The Minister shall have the powers and duties to supervise and
changed by the operation of law governing merger of business of such person. In cases where the original payee has acted as the agent to collect and receive payments of debts incurred but there is a change
as the agent to collect and receive payments of debts incurred but there is a change of agent afterwards which is not the case under sub-paragraph (2), the special purpose juristic person shall notify
where the original payee has acted as the agent to collect and receive payments of debts incurred but there is a change of agent afterwards which is not the case under sub-paragraph (2), the special
changed to be a person other than the original payee, the special purpose juristic person shall give notice of the transfer of the rights of claims to the debtors on the date of the change of the 5 agent
รดำเนินกำรต่ำง ๆ เพือควำมง่ำยในกำรประกอบธุรกิจ (Ease of Doing Business) อำนวยควำมสะดวก ลดระยะเวลำ ลดภำระให้แก่ประชำชนและภำคตลำดทุน รวมทงัยกระดับให้ กระบวนกำรต่ำง ๆ มีควำมโปร่งใสมำกขึน ซึงเป็น
committee may delegate its power in writing for one or more committee members to act on its behalf. The fund committee shall register the appointment of the fund manager or the change of the fund committee
delegate its power in writing for one or more committee members to act on its behalf. The fund committee shall register the appointment of the fund manager or the change of the fund committee members within
เล็กทรอนิกส์มีผลทำงกฎหมำยทีชัดเจน จะส่งผลโดยตรงต่อเศรษฐกิจของประเทศ เนืองจำกกำรใช้ระบบอิเล็กทรอนิกส์จะเป็นกำรปรับปรุง ประสิทธิภำพในกำรดำเนินกำรต่ำงๆ เพือควำมง่ำยในกำรประกอบธุรกิจ (Ease of Doing Business
derives its value from the price or returns of the securities under (1) or (2). The reporting under the first paragraph shall include the holding of securities and derivatives, and the change to such