Declaration Under the ESG Declaration, shared action priorities are set: 1. Governance: Ensure good corporate governance and effective oversight at the board level, with clear accountability and responsibility
to deliver accountability to stakeholders. The SEC recognizes the importance of disclosure and transparency concerning its operations and decision- making processes to duly inform the public. Effective
and conversion by 2030 using established resources such as the Finance Sector Roadmap on eliminating deforestation, which is aligned with best practice guidance from the Accountability Framework for
where much of the natural species composition, structure, and ecological function are present (AFi, 2019). https
integrity, fairness, accountability and orderliness in trading of listed securities, taking into consideration benefits of the capital market and investor protection. • The SET must comply with rules for
concepts ❑ Project Prioritization is a critical step to accomplishment ❑ Collaborations and partnerships create more bigger positive impacts ❑ Greater transparency and accountability through reporting and
taxonomies/classifications Strengthening of government policy and legislation These shifts are likely to lead to: - Increased accountability, transparency - A red line under impact-washing related challenges
เน่ืองจำกในกำรจัดกำรกองทุนต้องมี accountability ในกำร ด ำเนินกำร โดยหำกลงทุนผิดพลำด ก็อำจสร้ำงควำมเสียหำยได้ อีกทั้งยังเป็นบริกำรทำงกำรเงินที่อำจเข้ำถึงประชำชนวงกว้ำง จึงไม่ควรมีทุนจดทะเบียนช ำระแล้วต่ ำ
20 ลำ้นบำท หรือ 1 ลำ้น USD และควรมีท่ีปรึกษำทำงกำรเงินท่ีมี accountability ดูแล บำง startup มีกำรระดมทุนคร้ังเดียว และบำงรำยไม่สุจริต กำรระดมทุนตำมเกณฑข์องส ำนกังำน ควรจะไม่เกิน 20-30 ลำ้นบำทและกำร
accountability. The effectiveness of the complaint handling system depends on the fair consideration of complaints by the responsible party and a protective measure for whistleblowers; 5. Auditor: Selection of