Sweet Holding Ltd. บล. เอส จี สินเอเซีย จำกัด (มหาชน) 130,000,000 100 95,694,648 73.61 73.61 35 3,349,312,680 17 บมจ. อูช่า สยาม สตีล อินดัสตรียส์ ไม่ได้ list 24/8/42 27/8/42 – 30/9/42 บ. อูช่า เบลทรอน
year such as manufacturing (number of factories, total production capacity), acquisition of raw materials or products for sale, number of raw material distributors, proportions of domestic and overseas
raw materials or products for sale, issues on raw materials (ex, shortage, technological effects on raw material use), the number of raw material distributors, proportions of domestic and overseas
year such as manufacturing (number of factories, total production capacity), acquisition of raw materials or products for sale, number of raw material distributors, proportions of domestic and overseas