of whatever name excluding bills, divided into units, each with equal value and a predetermined rate of return, issued by any company to a lender or purchaser, representing the right of the holder of
bills, divided into units, each with equal value and a predetermined rate of return, issued by any company to a lender or purchaser, representing the right of the holder of such instrument to receive
and competence as a professional. The securities company shall enter into a written agreement with a person or a group of persons who has authorized the securities company to manage the private fund
. SECTION 3. The definition “company” in Section 4 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 shall be amended and replaced by the following texts: ““company” means any limited company or public limited
, employee, or worker of business in the group of the securities issuing company, who holds a position or the line of work responsible for or capable of accessing inside information; (3) ascendant, descendant
offeror’s group under (2) shall mean a parent company, subsidiary or affiliated company of the digital token offeror in accordance with the rules as specified in the notification of the SEC. Section 45. No
) spouse or cohabiting partner of the persons under Section 43 or the persons under (3) or (4). Business in the digital token offeror’s group under (2) shall mean a parent company, subsidiary or affiliated
มี้การประชุมรับฟังความคิดเห็น (“focus group”) เร่ือง การก าหนด ทุนจดทะเบียนช าระแลว้ของบริษทัหลกัทรัพย ์จ านวน 1 คร้ัง เม่ือวนัท่ี 29 มีนาคม 2559 โดยมี ผูเ้ขา้ร่วมประชุมจากบริษทัหลกัทรัพย ์ผูป้ระกอบ
Increasing flexibility of supervision and control of securities business The SEC may exempt a securities company from undertaking or prescribe a securities company to undertake in a different manner from
+%22electrica... PowerPoint Presentation Increasing flexibility of supervision and control of securities business The SEC may exempt a securities company from undertaking or prescribe a securities company to