หัวข้อประเมิน ตัวอย่าง แบบประเมินผลงานของ CEO วัตถุประสงค ์ 1. แบบประเมินชดุนี้จัดท ำขึ้นเพื่อใชป้ระเมินกำรปฏิบัติหน้ำที่ของผู้บริหำรสูงสุด ประธำนเจ้ำหน้ำที่บริหำร กรรมกำรผู้จดักำรใหญ่ หรือชื่อต ำ
extended deadline because the new financial advisor whom PACE has appointed to appraise the fair value measurement of the investment is still gathering and analyzing data and information from many sources to
Microsoft Word - 3. Financial Position and Operating Performance of Q'1-2017 Our Ref: CEO 016/2017 15 May 2017 Subject Clarification on First Quarter’s Operating Performance (1/2017) Attn. To The
informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, ______________ Mr. Yeap Swee Chuan President & CEO
informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, Mr. Yeap Swee Chuan President & CEO
Our Ref: CEO 010/2018 11 May 2018 Subject Clarification on First Quarter’s Operating Performance (1/2018) Attn. To The Secretary of the Securities and Exchange Commission The company clarifies causes
Company’s related company by Mrs. Sutasanee Karnasuta as authorized director and she is a sister to Mr. Polpat Karnasuta as CEO of Nawarat Patanakarn Public Company Limited. Please be informed accordingly
of Consideration Paid criteria, which is below the 15% threshold. Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, ______________ Mr. Yeap Swee Chuan President & CEO
Microsoft Word - 4. Financial Position and Operating Performance of Q'2-2017.doc Our Ref: CEO 017/2017 11 August 2017 Subject Clarification on Second Quarter’s Operating Performance (2/2017) Attn. To