) Date (Oldest) Property Fund Prospectus - SUPEREIF : Super Energy Power Plant Infrastructure Fund BBL ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Brown Field Infrastructure Fund | Offering Date : 22/07/2019 - 05/08
LIMITED|Brown Field Infrastructure Fund | Offering Date : 09/12/2013 - 19/12/2013 http://market.sec.or.th/public/mrap/MRAPView.aspx?FTYPE=I&PID=0866&PYR=2556 Mutual Fund Prospectus - TGHDIGI : TISCO Global
Fund SCB ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Brown Field Infrastructure Fund | Offering Date : 09/12/2013 - 19/12/2013 http://market.sec.or.th/public/mrap/MRAPView.aspx?FTYPE=I&PID=0866&PYR=2556 Mutual Fund
relevant parties, holds https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=8534 Property Fund Prospectus - DIF : Digital Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund SCB ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Brown
/DigitalAssetBusinessRelatedForms-appendix1.aspx Property Fund Prospectus - DIF : Digital Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund SCB ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Brown Field Infrastructure Fund | Offering Date : 09/12/2013 - 19
Prospectus - DIF : Digital Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund SCB ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Brown Field Infrastructure Fund | Offering Date : 09/12/2013 - 19/12/2013 http://market.sec.or.th/public
: Digital Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund SCB ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Brown Field Infrastructure Fund | Offering Date : 09/12/2013 - 19/12/2013 http://market.sec.or.th/public/mrap
Infrastructure Fund KASIKORN ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Brown Field Infrastructure Fund | Offering Date : 09/09/2013 - 13/09/2013 http://market.sec.or.th/public/mrap/MRAPView.aspx?FTYPE=I&PID=0527&PYR=2556
/public/idisc/en/Viewmore/invalert-det?CaseID=0092&CaseYY=2566 Property Fund Prospectus - ABPIF : Amata B. Grimm Power Power Plant Infrastructure Fund KASIKORN ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Brown Field
the execution of electronic transactions which would be deemed as fully legitimate as normal transactions, for example, transactions related to businesses under the SEC supervision, subscription