, finance, investor relations). If the organization has different business units, include representatives from each 2.1 2.2 3. Integrate climate change into the governance structure. Refer to the Series 1
relating to the Transaction, the Bank will purchase a total of 24,991,429,3321 Series B shares in Permata from the said two major shareholders representing approximately 89.12 percent of the total issued and
International Inc. and Global Legend Series Ltd. Services Ltd. – even though there had been an indication that the value of the investment fund would depreciate. Therefore, the SEC instructed EIC to submit the
บริษัทคือ Sport Event International Inc. และ Global Legend Series Ltd. Services Ltd. ภายหลัง จากมีข้อบ่งชี้เกี่ยวกับการด้อยค่าของเงินลงทุน ก.ล.ต. จึงขอให้ EIC จัดท าและน าส่งงบการเงินทั้ง 5 งวด ได้แก่ งวด
Chartered) and PT Astra International Tbk (Astra) in respect of the proposed purchase by the Bank from Standard Chartered and Astra of 24,991,429,332 Series B shares in total in PT Bank Permata Tbk (Permata
comparing with the quarter ended March 31, 2017 decreased from THB 92.91 million to THB 34.26 million or decreased THB 58.65 million or 63.13% because there was no revenue from film production and series
operators. The sold contents consist of Indian and Philippines Series. Costs of program rights business consist mainly of amortization, dubbing and translation costs. For the first six month of 2017 and 2018
571,890,666.- classified into 571,890,666 ordinary shares, with par value of Baht 1 per share Name of debentures : Debentures of Saha Pathana Inter-Holding Public Company Limited No.1/2020 series 1 due B.E
operators. The sold contents consist of Indian and Philippines Series. Costs of program rights business consist mainly of amortization, dubbing and translation costs. For the first six month of 2017 and 2018
ท่ีใชช้ าระราคาของฟิวเจอร์เดือนท่ีครบก าหนดอายขุองสัญญาท่ีใกล้ท่ีสุด (Nearest Contract Month Series)