3 1 August, 2 0 1 7 considered and approved the disposition of the subsidiary is engaged in education related business. As a result, operating results for the three months ended the first quarter
break. 2. Cost of sales was 233.11 million Baht or at 112.86% of sales which increased from the 2nd quarter of last year of 107.58 % and increased from the last quarter of 105.37% . That was due to low
transaction for assets to details as follow: 1. Western U Company Limited and subsidiaries 2. WP Assets Company Limited formerly known as Suvanabhumi Education Development Company Limited 3. WS Assets Company
one day in advance). Business hours: Mondays - Fridays (except public holidays) from 08:30 - 15:00 hours. (lunch break) Location: The Securities and Exchange Commission 333/3 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road
revenue decreased by 5.3% from 3Q17 due to a decrease in revenue from Education Business and revenue recognition from leased right assignment in the same period last year. Earnings before Interest, Taxes
information on their CFOs and accountants with regard to their education, accounting training and work experiences.The new qualification criteria would build a robust foundation for qualified CFOs and
Education Master of Science in Administration, Boston University , U.S.A. Bachelor of Arts (Political Science), Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Current Appoinments Permanent-Secretary, Ministry of
% 100.00 % 100.00 % 3. General characteristics of transaction (1) Western U Company Limited Registered capital: 330,000,000 baht Nature of Business: Be a licensee of private higher education institutions
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