Constructions (2) Registration of 100 drugs formulas (54 formulas for human medicine and 46 formulas for animals) owned by the seller (3) Registration of special drug formulas, consisting of 12 formulas including
company and its subsidiaries has revised its strategies to cope with the situation by focusing its marketing towards industries least impacted by the coronavirus, such as the food and pharmaceutical
revenue has continuously grown mainly due to its greater expansion of laboratory scopes of testing and analyzing for agricultural, food, and pharmaceutical associated with continual growing number of
by more efficient management of pharmaceutical supplies. Administrative Expenses During 9M17, administrative expenses increased by 14% yoy due mainly to the increase of headcounts and salary rate in
work constructively with the company to remove the impediment. A recent example of this type of engagement had to do with the mix of skill sets on a pharmaceutical company’s board. Several years before
-product; crude glycerine obtained from the Biodiesel’s production with maximum capacity of 100 tons of refined glycerine per day (pharmaceutical grade). The refined glycerine plant has already completed 100
วนั (pharmaceutical grade) และไดด้ าเนินการ ก่อสร้างไปแลว้ 100% (อยูร่ะหวา่งการ Commissioning) คาดวา่จะสามารถผลิตในเชิงพาณิชยไ์ดใ้นไตรมาส 2 ปี 2562 และสามารถสร้าง มูลค่าเพ่ิมแก่ผลพลอยได ้สร้างผลก าไร
system of new medicines according to the additional standards SET forth by the Food and Drug administration. Therefore, it is necessary to use the capital to proceed the project amount 32,000,000 baht
recognition Drug license Manufacturing service (OEM) Contracts with a customer ▪ บรษัิทยาท าสญัญาขายทะเบยีนต ารับยาทีไ่ดข้ ึน้ ทะเบยีนยากบั อย. แลว้ ใหล้กูคา้ ▪ ลกูคา้ยังไมไ่ดรั้บโอน ทะเบยีนต ารับยาตาม กฎหมาย
and Drug Administration (CFDA), which took around 2 months, that we have got CFDA in early 2018. Sales by product category Consolidated financial statements For the three months period ended March 31