HONDA ENGINEERING ASIAN CO No.CS037/2017 October 31, 2017 Subject : Information Memorandum regarding the Proposed Asset Acquisition To : President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Attachment
HONDA ENGINEERING ASIAN CO เลขท่ี ลข. 037/2560 วนัท่ี 31 ตุลาคม 2560 เร่ือง สารสนเทศเก่ียวกบัการไดม้าซ่ึงสินทรัพย ์ เรียน กรรมการผูจ้ดัการ ตลาดหลกัทรัพยแ์ห่งประเทศไทย ส่ิงท่ีส่งมาดว้ย สารสนเทศเก่ียวก
HONDA ENGINEERING ASIAN CO No WICE 002/2018 4 January 2018 Subject: The payment of share acquisition of Universal Worldwide Transportation ( “UWT”) To President The Stock Exchange of Thailand
HONDA ENGINEERING ASIAN CO เลขท่ี WICE 002/2561 วนัท่ี 4 มกราคม 2561 เร่ือง ขอแจง้การเขา้ท ารายการและช าระเงินค่าหุน้สามญั Universal Worldwide Transportation ( “UWT”) เรียน กรรมการผูจ้ดัการ ตลาดหล
financial statement of Q2 2017/2018 period ended 30 September 2017 submitted by Eastern Polymer Group Public Company Limited (the “Company”), please be informed that: Million Baht Revenue from sales of goods
financial statement of Q3 2017/2018 period ended 31 December 2017 submitted by Eastern Polymer Group Public Company Limited (the “Company”), please be informed that: Million Baht Revenue from sales of goods
implications for the economy have been severe. Asia is openly exposed to the world economy through flows of goods, labour, capital and people. Therefore, Asian economy is highly dependent on the global trade
PowerPoint Presentation CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FOR ASIAN PUBLICLY LISTED FAMILY-CONTROLLED FIRMS Dr. Tony Tan, CFA Co-Head, Ethics, Standards & Professional Conduct 6 December 2017 Bangkok, Thailand
prospects were apparent in the US, the Eurozone, Japan and many other Asian countries. The International Monetary Fund therefore upgraded its global economic projection for 2017 to 3.6 percent. The US economy
............................................. 88 List of references ..................................................................................................... 89 iv List of Abbreviations ADB Asian Development Bank AER Annual Efficiency