ขอ้มูล รองรับทิศทำงนโยบำยและกำรด ำเนินงำนของ ส ำนกังำน 5.5 เทคโนโลยสีารสนเทศและโครงสร้างพื้นฐานทางข้อมูล 5.5.1 ปรับปรุงกำรพฒันำระบบโดยใชว้ธีิ agile development เพื่อใหต้อบโจทยก์ำรใชง้ำนของผูมี้ ส่วนไดเ้
will soon be disrupted faster, hence the Company needs to be agile. We are passionate about people development through training, workshop and culture reform. We promote a collaborative and innovative
and business opportunities in each individual sector and area across all industries. In parallel, we focused on the development of technological solutions with the aim of becoming “Customers’ Life
2.1 Credit Risk Management 5 2.2 Market Risk Management 5 2.3 Liquidity Risk Management 6 3. Business Directions and Operations of Core Businesses 7 3.1 Sustainable Development and Corporate Governance
(มหาชน) 2 • K-Strategy • Sustainable Development Framework and Policy • Environmental Management Experience Sharing • Environmental Report AGENDA 3 • K-Strategy • Sustainable Development Framework and
not want to invest for a long term for the development of public utility because the company is required to use the proceeds from the sale of shares to the investment and development of industrial
Industrial lands completely and the company does not want to invest for a long term for the development of public utility Such disposal of shares constitutes a sale or transfer of the whole or some substantial
ภาคผนวก 1 ภาคผนวก 1 กลุ่มประเทศ Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) และประเทศท่ีมีฐานะการเงินเทียบเท่า ออสเตรเลีย เกาหลีใต ้ ออสเตรีย ลกัเซมเบิร์ก เบลเยยีม เมก็ซิโก แคนาดา
effectiveness of pandemic control and vaccine development, the economic damage may be worse than what was seen during the 1997 financial crisis. Given volatility in the financial market and real sector which had
more agile in their daily lives. In Addition, the opening of the country to foreign tourists along with the relaxation of COVID-19 disease control measures. In the past 2-3 years, the COVID- 1 9 epidemic