of machinery of 22.40 Million Baht thus subsidiaries has loss from impairment of investment in affiliate company of 165.70 Million Baht and also from Paradise Green Energy Company Limited of 52.32
% decreased when compared to same period of previous year which had total profit of 8.97% due to cost of raw materials in term of steel wire has risen higher than increase in selling price and subsidiaries of
employment contract to customer on project and UWC has more invested with affiliate company of 8.62 Million Baht and more fixed asset of 116.91 Million Baht thus decline depreciation of 59.42 Million Bath and
employment contract to customer on project and UWC has more invested with affiliate company of 7.27 Million Baht and more fixed asset of 139.95 Million Baht thus decline depreciation of 94.49 Million Bath and
profit of 6.75 percent due to cost of raw materials of steel adjusted higher than selling price and electricity (more value) but on the other hand there are burdened cost of Power Plant in Buriram which
purchasing raw materials and more short term loan of 77.50 Million Baht, Left in stock inventory of 143.85 Million baht, decline in trade receivable and other receivable of 86.72 Million Baht, more outstanding
year (decreased by 3.3 percent from Q4/2019), primarily due to the declining prices of seaweed as main raw materials in the production by 8 percent and the discontinuation of the production line in the
/ 2021. The reason for the decrease in income because the main raw material, which is Sweet corn can be harvested late due to inclement weather making it unable to operate at full capacity and fully
customers expand production and frozen foods customers have more raw material. - Cost of the sales and services from Q2/2016 was 91.52 percent decreased to 88.11 percent on Q2/2017 or decreased 3.41% from
Q1/2018 due to the raising in raw water sales volume and net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent company of 341.71 million Baht, increased by 39.04 million Baht or 12.90%. Income