instrumentality of a government; or a company, corporation, partnership, trust, estate, or association. similar product. product or transaction that has inherent credit risk. rated obligation. THE IOSCO CODE OF
the agreements preferential rights to purchase shares if other parties to the agreement wish to sell. These agreements can also contain provisions that require those accepting the agreement not to sell
inherent credit risk. rated obligation. THE IOSCO CODE OF CONDUCT FUNDAMENTALS FOR CREDIT RATING AGENCIES As described in the IOSCO CRA Principles, CRAs should endeavor to issue credit ratings that help
production and distribution of biodiesel from CPO industry, which is the inherent risk that significantly impact on the Company's performance that is the risk of fluctuation in CPO price; mostly caused by the
and distribution of biodiesel from CPO industry, which is the inherent risk that significantly impact on the Company's performance that is the risk of fluctuation in CPO price; mostly caused by the
industry’s performances, which is the inherent risk that significantly impact on their performances that is the risk of fluctuation in CPO price; mostly caused by the intervention of the government to
Trade (DIT) The fluctuation of CPO price mentioned above had reflected the Company's business operation in the production and distribution of biodiesel from CPO industry, which is the inherent risk that
ริษทัฯในอุตสาหกรรมการ ผลิตและจ าหน่ายน ้ามนัไบโอดีเซลจากน ้ามนัปาลม์ดิบนั้นมีปัจจยัความเส่ียงหลกัท่ีมีอยู่ตามลกัษณะการด าเนินงานของบริษทัฯ (Inherent Risk) ท่ีสร้างผลกระทบต่อผลการด าเนินงานของบริษทัฯอย่า
price mentioned above had reflected the Company's business operation in the production and distribution of biodiesel from CPO industry, which is the inherent risk that significantly impact on the
มนัไบโอดีเซลจากน ้ ามนัปาลม์ดิบนั้นมีปัจจยัความเส่ียงหลกัท่ีมีอยูต่ามลกัษณะการด าเนินงานของบริษทัฯ (Inherent Risk) ท่ีสร้างผลกระทบต่อผลการด าเนินงานของบริษทัฯอยา่งมีนยัส าคญั ไดแ้ก่ ความเส่ียงจากความผนัผ