Bangkok, March 22, 2016 ? The SEC is seeking public comments on the proposals to amend several provisions of the Securities and Exchange Act (SEA) B.E. 2535 (1992) and the Provident Fund (PVD) Act
very well as 50 new companies got listed on the SET and MAI over the year. Listed companies’ net profit registered 454.1 billion baht with the market capitalization as high as 4.52 trillion baht
Fund Raising of Businesses and Privatization of State Enterprises ■ Support for Unlisted Companies in Preparing to be Listed so that will Pave Way for Long-term Supply of New Products for the SET
fund, and futures exchange. Details are as follows: 1. Equity Market As the economy is expected to remain healthy during the next 3-4 years, it is likely that more companies will be listed on the SET
หากมีข้อสงสัยหรือต้องการข้อมูลเพ่ิมเติม โปรดตดิตอ่บริษัทจัดการหรือผู้สนับสนุนการขายหรือรับซื้อคืน กองทุนเปิด แอล เอช โกลบอล ไพรเวท แอสเซท ห้ามขายผู้ลงทุนรายย่อย LH GLOBAL PRIVATE ASSETS FUND NOT FOR
responsibilities to set a good example for the market. The SEC Board and the SEC Pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) (SEC Act), the SEC Board comprises: ë Five ex-officio members, i.e., the
implementation of good corporate governance to strengthen investors' confidence in securities markets. In 2007, market capitalization of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) totaled at 6,636 billion baht
of Commerce, Thai Institute of Directors, State Enterprise Policy Office in the Ministry of Finance, Federation of Accounting Professions, Social Security Office, Government Pension Fund, and
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