experience in securities trading, risk management, or management of a securities clearing house, provided that the chairman of the risk management committee and not less than half of all committee members
half of the total voting rights of the attending shareholders to be qualified for the independent director position). 9.4. Supervision of subsidiaries and affiliates The Company, whether operating as a
and time limits for paying up securities; where payment is partial, the manner and dates on which amounts due are to be paid. 3. Where applicable, methods of and time limits for — (a) the delivery of
-ร่าง- (UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION) Codified up to No. 5 As of 28 November 2018 Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force, and that this English translation is strictly for reference. Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Jor. 39/2559 Re: Application for Approval and Granting of Approval for Offering of Newly Issued Shares _____________________ By virtue of Section 16/6 and Section 89/27 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992), as ame...
statement supporting TCFD. Publish partial information on TCFD recommendations in financial report. Publish all information on TCFD recommendations in financial report. Progress and Assessment Reporting
-Translation- No. ECF2 044/2561 3 December 2018 Subject: Notification of the resolutions of the Board of Directors’ Meeting approving the investment in purchasing the ordinary shares of S-TREK (Thailand) Co., Ltd., capital increase, and the issuance and allocation of the newly issued ordinary shares to the specific person under the private placement basis, and the schedule for Extraordinary General Meeting No. 1/2019 To President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure 1. Information Memorandum...
No. ECF2 044/2561 3 December 2018 Subject: Notification of the resolutions of the Board of Directors’ Meeting approving the investment in purchasing the ordinary shares of S-TREK (Thailand) Co., Ltd., capital increase, and the issuance and allocation of the newly issued ordinary shares to the specific person under the private placement basis, and the schedule for Extraordinary General Meeting No. 1/2019 (Additional) To President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure 1. Information Memorandum...
-Translation- No. ECF2 005/2019 17 January 2019 Subject: Cancellation of the resolutions of the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 13/2018 in relation to the investment in the ordinary shares of S-TREK (Thailand) Co., Ltd., the investment in the ordinary shares of S-TREK (Thailand) Co., Ltd., capital increase, and the issuance and allocation of the newly issued ordinary shares to the specific person under the private placement basis, and the schedule for 2019 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders...
30 business days in compliance with TorChor. 12/2554. 11 Allocation of Shares if the Tendered Shares are more or less than the Offered Shares (Applicable Only to the Case of Partial Tender Offer
(Swing Pricing) หลกัเกณฑแ์ละเงือ่นไข 1) บรษัิทจัดการจะกําหนดอตัรา Swing Factor สงูสดุไมเ่กนิ 5% ของมลูคา่หน่วยลงทนุ 2) บรษัิทจัดการอาจพจิารณาใช ้ Full Swing Pricing หรอื Partial Swing Pricing โดยขึน้อยูก่