are Mr.Subbhalerk Na Songkla, Mr.Inthidej Polin, and Miss Nittaya Phudhiwat together as a concert party (“SUTGH shareholders”) which will hold 132,000 shares in SUTG or equal to 100 percent of the total
Mr.Subbhalerk Na Songkla, Mr.Inthidej Polin, and Miss Nittaya Phudhiwat together as a concert party (“SUTGH shareholders”) which will hold 132,000 shares in SUTG or equal to 100 percent of the total issued and
) สุทธิ 402 45 137 110 80 (81) 53 ก าไร (ขาดทุน) สุทธิ (ยอ้นหลงั 12 เดือน) 1,272 162 137 110 (155) (81) 53 ส่วนของผูถื้อหุ้นส่วนน้อย 239 NA NA NA NA NA NA หนา้ | 7 เกณฑ์ทีใ่ช้ในการค านวณ ขนาดรายการ(ร้อยละ
-Timber Forest Products - NTFP) ..................................................... 24 3.5 ข้อกำหนดสำหรับการอนุรักษแ์ละฟื้นฟูพ้ืนท่ีป่าไม้และพื้นท่ีนอกป่าไม้
1 (4) (6) 64 1 3 5 รำยกำรพิเศษสทุธิภำษี(2) (1,920) (45) - - (1,920) na. - - (1,920) na. ก ำไรสุทธิรวมหลังรำยกำรพเิศษ (1,853) (44) 71 1 (1,924) (2,710) 64 1 (1,917) (2,995) หมำยเหต ุ: (1) รวมก ำไร/(ขำด
General information Name of the Company NML Co., Ltd. Juristic Registration No. 0105549115491 Type of Business Transportation and loading of goods and passengers Principal Office 1854 Bang Na-Trad Rd. Bang
information Name of the company WPS (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Juristic Registration No. 0115548002146 Type of Business Publication of books and other journals Principal Office 167/5 Moo. 4 Bang Na-Trad Rd. Bang Na
Covered under appropriate sector criteria, e.g. Forestry for timber, Agriculture (in development) for various other feedstocks. 7 Traditional biomass has very low conversion efficiency (10%-20%), with
a responsible sourcing policy for various products such as – beef, seafood, palm oil, soy, and timber. As a part of its ‘multi- 23 United Nations, Global Compact, at:
between the Company and a new incorporated limited company, SUT Holding Company Limited (“SUTGH”). SUTGH shall have three shareholders, which are Mr.Subbhalerk Na Songkla, Mr.Inthidej Polin, and Miss