competition during the past year, industrial and competition outlook with regard to, for example, an approximate number of competitors, the Company's size compared to the competitors, competitiveness and
เบ้ีย (B/E size to interest bearing debt ratio) (7) อตัราส่วนหน้ีสินท่ีมีภาระดอกเบ้ียท่ีครบก าหนดภายใน 1 ปี ต่อหน้ีสินท่ีมีภาระ ดอกเบ้ียทั้งหมด (8) อตัราส่วนเงินกูย้มืจากสถาบนัการเงินต่อหน้ีสินรวม * ใน
to equity ratio) (1.5) อัตราส่วนสภาพคล่อง (current ratio) (1.6) อัตราส่วนตั๋วเงินจ่ายต่อหนี้สินที่มีภาระดอกเบี้ย (B/E size to interest bearing debt ratio) (1.7) อัตราส่วนหนี้สินที่มีภาระดอกเบี้ยที่ครบก
the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. TorJor. 21/2551 Re: Rules on Connected Transactions in the category of assets or services, with the total transaction size more than 0.03 percent, but less than
financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2018) and when combining with assets disposition during the past 6 months, total size of transaction is equal to 12.95% which is lower than 15% of the
compared to the previous packaging size of a 330 ml. The new energy drink is not only expanding the customer base to younger generations, being a constructive factor to refresh the brand image of Carabao in
space with a proper size for its operation. 7. Expected benefits to the Company from the asset disposal 7.1 This asset disposal will help reduce the debt of the Company, making the Company able to repay
) specify details of every principal invested asset which categorized them by asset. The details shall at least include name, location, characteristic, usage, space size, lease term, building age, investment
- Product quality (properly sampled and analysed for parameters that would affect its use: for example, heavy metals and other biocidal substances, particle size, contamination, stability). • The resulting
size of orders submitted to a market for each security. abs_imbalance The absolute imbalance of buy and sell orders over the day, expressed as a percentage of turnover, for each security These results