Bangchak Petroleum Plc. was of Bt12.5 million. 2.2.5 The Employee benefit obligations was of Bt899.5 million according to Labor Protection Laws as TAS no.19 on employee benefits. 2.3 Shareholders’ Equity As
especially in real estate sector. On economic stability, inflation has slowed down due to the decrease in retail petroleum prices. 3. WATER SITUATION As of 26 July 2019, the water supply situation in Chonburi
declining since the beginning of 2020. The decline represented the fact that tenants at Suntower of which business is impacted by trade war such as petroleum and airlines and tenants at Metropolis who are SME
service business with pipeline transportation system to the northeastern region of Thailand which is the extension of petroleum pipeline system to northeastern region project (The project). The project
vehicles) and those which are not (e.g. conventional internal combustion engine, liquefied petroleum gas and natural gas vehicles). Scope of emissions Possible emissions that could be considered by the
the decline in prices of petroleum- related products and agricultural products consistent with the global oil prices. Additionally, the strengthening of the Thai Baht will also impact exporters. 2 The
the decline in prices of petroleum- related products and agricultural products consistent with the global oil prices. Additionally, the strengthening of the Thai Baht will also impact exporters. 2 The
Petroleum Limited 6/ หมำยถงึ บรษิทั BCP Energy International Pte. Ltd., BCP Innovation Pte. Ltd. และอื่นๆ ส ำหรบัผลกำรด ำเนินงำนงวด 9 เดือนแรกของปี 2560 บรษิทั บำงจำก คอรป์อเรชัน่ จ ำกดั (มหำชน) (“บรษิทั ฯ
นัทกึดอ้ยค่าของสนิทรพัยใ์นพืน้ที ่ Gulita และพืน้ที ่Mid-Galoc ของบรษิทั Nido Petroleum Limited จ านวน 1,528 ลา้นบาท 9) ส่วนแบ่งก าไรจากบรษิัทร่วม 815 ล้านบาท เพิม่ขึน้ 794 ล้านบาท ส่วนใหญ่มาจากการที่บรษิทั บ
power and steam for use in the Clean Fuel Project (CFP) of Thai Oil, by using petroleum pitch as a fuel. During the construction period, GPSC will make an initial payment equals to 20% of the Initial